About Dr. Ranjit Kumar Singh, IAS
Dr. Ranjit Kumar Singh, IAS was born on 14 January 1986 in Fatikwara, Desari, Vaishali. He holds a Ph.D., LL.B, and an MA degree from Patna University. He secured 49th rank in the UPSC examination. Dr. Singh founded an educational institute called “Mission 50 IAS,” which provides free coaching to underprivileged students to help uplift society through education. Currently, Dr. Singh serves as the Director of the Panchayati Raj Department in the Bihar Government. He previously served as a District Magistrate in Narmada District, Gujarat, where he received several awards, including the “Gujarat Ratna,” “National Sanitation Award 2016,” and “Mahatma Gandhi Cleanliness Award 2017” for his contribution in making the district the first Open Defecation Free (ODF) district in Gujarat.In 2018, Dr. Singh was appointed as the District Magistrate of Sitamarhi district in Bihar, where he was awarded the “National Sanitation Survey Award 2018” for his contribution in making Sitamarhi the first ODF district in Bihar. He is a proud Indian national and is married to Misha Singh. Dr. Singh’s parents are Ram Tahal Singh and Maha Devi Patel.

Recent Interview

‘Super’ man for the economically backward aspirants of Bihar
IAS officer Ranjit Kumar Singh trains poor civil services exam aspirants for free; at least 200 of his students are working as police officers across India, reports Rajesh Kumar Thakur.

Teachers’ Day 2021: ये हैं राजधानी पटना के डिजिटल गुरु, देश-विदेश में हैं इनके लाखों व्यूअर
पटना के कई शिक्षकों ने पिछले साल कोरोना काल में यूट्यूब पर अपने चैनल के जरिये सिर्फ शहर में ही नहीं, पूरे देश के प्रतिभागियों को पढ़ने और तैयारी करने में मदद की. इनके वीडियो के लाखों सब्सक्राइबर्स हैं. पेश है एक रिपोर्ट.

'दुनिया में झूठे लोगों को बड़े हुनर आते हैं', एक IAS के तबादले पर रो रहे बिहार के लाखों लोग! सोशल मीडिया पर मुहिम
अक्सर सुनने में आता है कि अधिकारियों के रवैये से नाराज जनता उन्हें हटाने की मांग करती है. लेकिन, बिहार के एक आईएएस ऐसे हैं जो लाखों दिलों पर राज करते हैं. ये हम नहीं कह रहे हैं बल्कि आईएएस अधिकारी डॉ रणजीत कुमार सिंह (IAS Officer Dr. Ranjit Kumar Singh) के तबादले के बाद कुछ ऐसा ही प्रतीत हो रहा है.
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